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3 votes
Films watched in 2014
(81 items)Movie list by BadSmile Last updated 10 years, 11 months ago
11 votes
Films Watched In 2013
(177 items)Movie list by BadSmile Published 12 years, 1 month ago
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Some movies to cheer you up
(40 items)Movie list by BadSmile Published 14 years, 7 months ago
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TV shows i've seen and want to watch
(104 items)Tv list by BadSmile Published 15 years ago
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BadSmile's Top 250 Films
(275 items)Movie list by BadSmile Published 12 years, 11 months ago
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Recent reviews
The Bling Ring review

"Thank god that its over" I said to myself when the song was over. Great start Coppola. And her movies used to be so chill. Anyway, the rest of the movie didn't had that bad music, but oh my god the acting wasn't believable at all. You could see that there was women that only tried to act like whores. Like they made fun of people like that, like it all was ironic. Cool chicks robbing houses and act like whores.
Apparently celebrities doesn't lock there houses because who would enter their houses right. Yeah just leave the key under the doormat like a fucking idiot. Lindsay Lohan wouldn't lock her house even tho she was in prison at the same time she got robbed.
The film had no soul, no meaning, were just plain stupid and one of the worst films I've seen this year, and I watched Man Of Steel!!!
(The technical bits were alright but nothing like her other films).

Elysium review

Damon's acting is flawless and some bi characters are also great. The CGI, effects and details of every scene is amazing, it's just too bad that's the only thing the movie has going for it. Next time Blomkamp, only direct, do not write the film, make an sci-fi horror movie, slasher or some shit, maybe even remake "Event Horizon" you would be perfect for it. Just stop with this ridiculous message bullshit.

Before Sunset (2004) review

Before Sunrise (1995) review

Exit Through the Gift Shop review

Man of Tai Chi review

Mud review

Pacific Rim review

XXY review

House review

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About me
* Top 250 films* My DVD's/Blu-ray's
* My Shortfilms on Vimeo
* My Shortfilms on Youtube (and some other shit)
* ICheckMovies
* Letterboxd
My ratings:
10/10 - Personal Favorite
9/10 - Fantastic
8/10 - Brilliant
7/10 - Good
6/10 - Alright
5/10 - Decent
4/10 - Bad
3/10 - Horrible
2/10 - Painful
1/10 - So bad it's funny
My feed

"I rate The Walking Dead 6 now, season 3 has been a lot better than the extremely bad season 2. I've seen season 1 of Game Of Thrones, I might watch the second soon, maybe."

"Only seen 2 films from Kar Wai Wong, but loved them both (Chungking Express, In the Mood for Love). He'll be in the list when I see a a couple more."

"yes ofc! Only seen 2 films from him. Everyone on the list is 3+. Gonna add him when I've seen more."

"1. Dancer in the Dark (2000) 2. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) 3. Das Boot (1981) 4. Fanny and Alexander (1982) 5. Celine and Julie Go Boating (1974) 6. The Passion of Anna (1969) 7. The Free Will (2006"

"La Cabina: A short tvfilm about a man stuck in a phonebooth. Pic:"

"I'll watch Oz sometime in the future. Sons Of Anarchy is not going to happen anytime soon."

"You have to watch more non english movies. There is so much gold our there."

"1. Ingmar Bergman 2. Stanley Kubrick 3. Lars Von Trier 4. Andrei Tarkovsky 5. David Lynch 6. Paul Thomas Anderson 7. Alfred Hitchcock 8. Francis Ford Coppola 9. Sidney Lumet 10. Todd Solondz"

"The reason I havent added Another Year to the list is because all the movies on that list is only films I've seen. But I can change the rules a bit. Thanks sleepless101, fixed it."

"What the fuck?, Inception and The Dark Knight on top? That's just ridiculous, I cant have any of that: 1. Dancer in the Dark (2000) 2. The Sacrifice (1986) 3. Fanny and Alexander (1982) 4. Celine and"

"Porco Rosso (1992) wasn't released in the US until 2004, should I count that movie as 2004?"

"Thank you for the suggestions, I shall add them when I get the time. I take the pictures from the dvd's, so I need to invest some time. I use the episode numbers IMDB uses, sorry if its incorrect."

"Thank you for the suggestion boldaslove. I updated the whole list, new pictures n' shit."

"Haven't seen Los Olvidados, so I dont know whats better etc. I shall add the one you suggested. A movie I actually seen, long time ago tho. Thanks."

"Made this before Inception came out I think. Haven't updated it since. I shall add some of you suggestions."
Gleder meg til og fortsete på sesong 1, den beste episoden eg har sett hittil er Squeese, utrolig bra skurk. Gleder meg veldig til og sjå episoder som: Ice, The Host, Home, Bad blood osv...
Såg at du hadde sett alt av X-files, er det bra? Driver og ser på det nå, men har ikkje sett meir en 7 episoder då, men skal sjå meir. Kva sesong er best? Noko spessiel epsiode favoritt? Gleder meg til og sjå meir av det..
But, well, you know... Lars Von Trier´s work is not that pleasant for everybody, right? As I use to say, there is some movies that or you love it or you hate it. Don´t you agree? :) Peace!
i like your dvd slideshow,it's very cool...^ ^